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Re: [tlug] kterm equivalents

On Fri, Nov 18, 2005 at 01:13:57AM +0900, Michael Smith wrote:
> Tapio Peltonen <> writes:
> > Mlterm seems to do the right thing there (if I understood the issue
> > correctly) and it's very easy to use and powerful; it can even run
> > input methods directly without setting XMODIFIERS etc and switch
> > between input methods on the fly (very neat feature when working in the
> > UTF-8 locale).
> > 
> > I use mlterm for everything that needs true i18n and xterm for
> > everything I still do in the Latin-1 world.
> Why? Have you found limitations in Unicode support in xterm?

I haven't really even looked into xterm's Unicode support, since I have
always used it only in LC_CTYPE=fi_FI.ISO-8859-1 environment. I came
across mlterm when I was looking into alternatives for a terminal
emulator for mutt, and was immediately fascinated about the idea of being
able to switch input methods via the configuration window, since I
occasionally need a Cyrillic input method, in addition to Japanese and

I still use Latin-1 as my primary work environment, although I'm
considering a move to UTF-8.

Tapio Peltonen

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