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Re: [tlug] Heading to Akihabara

Josh Glover wrote:

The code that powers my "Gaijin's Guide to Central Yokohama" is
available, under the BSD licence, here:

   Way cool.  I might take a poke at it a little later.

All we would need it some way of allowing TLUGgers to submit new
marker data for inclusion in the database, and a way of voting on
markers (and collecting and displaying the popularity data). I would
be more than happy to implement that stuff in my code.

Another neat feature that I was planning of implementing is allowing a
marker to have photos associated with it, so camera-crazed TLUGgers
(Lyle, I'm talking about you! ;) can link their photos to the map.

Photos would be actually quite helpful for showing some pics of not easy to find places. I lost count of the number of times I had a map in hand walking around Tokyo and still walkedaround a building at least 4 times before I realized I had reached my destination
at least 4 detour circles ago :)

   That is a very cool setup by the way.  But you need more game shops
listed ;-)
Give me lat/long coordinates and I'll add them to my XML file. :)

I'll send them along as I dig them up. Wish I had a handheld GPS unit...
Which sort of gaming did you mean? Pen-and-paper RPGs / collectable
card games / tabletop wargames? Or video games?

Being a (former) video gamer I would be looking more for video games. But I figure all type of games wouldn't be a bad thing at all. It's not like Yokohama is swimming in
gaming stores or maybe I'm just not looking hard enough.


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