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[tlug] Should we stop password protecting the TLUG archives?


I would like to officially open a thread to discuss the TLUG mailing
list archive policy.  I should have done this early, but other
obligations have kept me busy.  Actually, I would have liked to open
this after the holidays, but now that I think about it starting now is
fine as long as we do not expect the discussion to come to a decision
until later.  Nonetheless, I am sorry for the delay.

Summary of the problem:

Currently TLUG's mailing lists are password protected.  This is a
source of confusion for new users and it prevents search engines from
indexing our discussions.  We would like to discuss removing the
password protection from the main mailing list archives.

When did we start password protecting our mailing list?

We started around February 2003.

Why did we start password protecting the archives?

We started protecting the archives to help prevent our members from
getting spammed.  If you would like the full history look here:

Issues to discuss:

* Do we reopen the archives?

* Do we attempt to protect our members email addresses?
** If so, how should we do this?
** If not, why should we not bother?

* As search engines have become more powerful, almost anything we mail
to the list will become available for an indefinite amount of time.
Sometimes we may say things were in the heat of the moment that may
come back to haunt us.
** Do we care about this?
** Should we allow users to ask for removal/anonymization of their
mails from the archives?
** Should we make it clear to new comers who are about to join the
list about the archiving and what not?

* Should we keep the archives closed, but choose highlights from the
archive to put on the web site?
** Should we do this anyway?  If so who is going to volunteer to
organize this?

The above is not a comprehensive list of issues related to this topic,
please feel free to add it.

This potential change in policy affects all mailing list members so
please take a moment and voice your opinion.


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