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Re: [tlug] CentOS and Japanese-Revisited-2nd Attempt

Scott Robbins wrote:

> I think it's fine in this case, just snip my reply. <ducks and runs>


>I've snipped the information below, which I probably shouldn't, but I'm
>going to go into a rant.
>Short answer, use kinput2 and canna.
just tried luck either...

[ ~]# pkill scim
[ ~]# ps auxxx | grep scim
root      3681  0.0  0.1  4896  664 pts/2    S+   00:42   0:00 grep scim
[ ~]# ps auxxx | grep cannaserver
canna     2147  0.0  0.9 19888 4804 ?        Ss   Dec30   0:01 
/usr/sbin/cannaserver -syslog -u canna
root      3683  0.0  0.1  3896  660 pts/2    R+   00:42   0:00 grep 
[ ~]# whereis kinput2
kinput2: /usr/X11R6/bin/kinput2 /usr/X11R6/bin/kinput2.canna-wnn4 
/usr/bin/X11/kinput2 /usr/bin/X11/kinput2.canna-wnn4

I tried with both Thunderbird run from the terminal and also running 
uxterm from the same terminal. The terminal itself, is definitely 
displaying in unicode. It looks different than the default. I'm lost as 
to what my next option(s) is/are. Geez, it'd be nice to be able to input I want to add, when I tried with scim, I would get a 
small underline under the "a" in "ka" for example, but, when hitting the 
space key, nothing happens. I also don't get the word, "hiragana", in 
the widget, like your pic does. I only get, "Raw Code", 
"English/Keyboard" and "English/Keyboard>English/European". Raw Code is 
the only option that produces the underline under the letter. Cheers.

Mark Sargent.

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