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Re: [tlug] Editing Soud Files (WAV & MP3)

Godwin Stewart wrote:

>On Wed, 18 Jan 2006 23:02:53 +0900, "Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon"
><> wrote:
>>p until now, all of the programs I've gotten into the files with were 
>>installed by me in my Home/User folder - sorry for the horrible 
>>basicness of this question, but which folder should I be looking in?
>Right. I take it you're unaware that '~' in Unix-parlance means $HOME,
>~/.audacity is the (hidden) file called '.audacity' in your home directory.

(Red faced) - Yes... I was unaware of that.  I just wrote in red ink in
a notebook:

"~" = $Home
"$" =>  (written after my mistake below - this is nonlinear)

This would explain why nearly all my attempts at copy-pasting code into
a terminal window have failed....  Ouch.....

>>Wait!  Wait!  Wait!  I found it!  Just for other newbie bozos
>>like myself out there, here's how I found it:
>>1) In Konqueror, I set "View" to "Show Hidden Files".
>>2) In my Home/User folder, I found the file ".audacity"

>Wow! You have to do all that to see a file? As I said earlier, this would
>have given you the same information:
>$ grep ^TempDir ~/.audacity
To test that, I just tried that, and I get:> $ grep ^TempDir ~/.audacity
bash: $: command not found>

Wait... "$" means ">" then?  Let's see....> grep ^TempDir ~/.audacity

Ah!  (Dim light bulb goes off above bozo Lyle's head....)

>>Now to try out editing that audio file again....  I take it the format 
>>isn't important?  I can edit wav, mp3 or ogg no problem?  I'm attempting 
>>to edit wave at the moment.
>Actually, you're editing audacity's native format. audacity imports most
>audio formats and converts them internally before you start work on them.
>Once you're done you can either save the project as-is or you can export to
>a different format such as WAV, MP3, OGG, AU etc...
As for the ogg format.  I have some ogg files that I listen to sometimes
that open with (something non-RealPlayer), but the test ogg file I made
with Audacity opened with RealPlayer.  There are different kinds of ogg
files then I take it.

><> wrote:
>>ow - I would like to click on "Export Selection as..." but all of those 
>>(for each file formats) are grayed out, so I can't.  Why is that?  What 
>>do I need to do to activate that feature?
>You need to select something to export before you can export the selection.
>Recording doesn't select anything.
>Most of your questions will have answers at the resourced pointed to here:

I did look there, but apparently looked in the wrong places.

Thanks again for all your help!  My order of "Linux Quick Fix Notebook"
recently arrived, and as soon as I've finished reading "A Matter of
Opinion" by Uvator S. Navasky, I'll start reading it.

Thanks again!


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