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Re: [tlug] mounting ntfs japanese partition (aka japanese windows& linux!)

On Thu, 2006-01-19 at 20:34 +0900, David Bennett wrote:
> All of the japanese filenames come out garbled, mostly with ?'s. They
> are also "locked" (or so konqeror tells me!)
Can you display locally created Japanese filenames?  Linux native NTFS
write access is severely limited at the moment.

> I am wondering if anyone has had any luck or suggestions on how to
> access my Japanese files I would be greatful. My japanese windows
> drive has not been kind to me whether it be a local mount or networked
> via samba.
Specifically what have you tried and what didn't work.  I have had no
problems mounting either local or remote NTFS file systems with Japanese
files on them. My /etc/fstab has the following.

//servername/sharename  /mount/point cifs noauto,password=''   0 0


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