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Re: [tlug] How to Push Linux! .......................

Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

>    Lyle> Steve! Buddy! Pal! Why do you defend the indefensible! 
>I stand by my words.  Microsoft (and Windows-based) products generally
>work, and to the knowledge of most of their market, they work well.
>we have to use a different strategy from calling
>them names and spreading FUD about the (alleged lack of) quality of
>their products.
I dare say there's not a biped on planet earth who you can't beat in a 
debate.  I tip my hat to your tireless debating skills, but I also stand 
by my words.  Microsoft is foul, rotten, illegal, and the sooner the 
world is through with those dirty rotten scoundrels, the better.

> we have to use a different strategy from calling
> them names and spreading FUD about the (alleged lack of) quality of
> their products.

Again - the quality of their products is *not* the main issue.  The 
damage they doing to other companies and to the computer world in 
general is.  Okay, so I shouldn't call the good folks (cough-cough) at 
Microsoft "dirty-rotten-scoundrels" - but I do think we should aim for 
making them go bankrupt.  They shouldn't be in business any longer, and 
if people start thinking, open their eyes, and stop supporting them, 
they won't be.


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