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Re: [tlug] New 1 GB SD card reports being full after only 467 MBused

Dave Gutteridge wrote:

>   How is it that Ubuntu/Linux can see that there is 476.9 MB free, but 
>at the same time think the SD card is full?
>   And how do I solve this problem?
>   Any advice would be much appreciated.

This is just a wild stab in the dark, but how many files did you copy 
over?  Is it possible that there is a maximum number of files that 
you've reached?  I know I had that problem years ago with floppy disks 
and also SuperDisks (yes, I was stupid enough to actually buy a 
SuperDisk drive!).  Irrespective of the total amount of space used, 
there was a maximum number of files that would go on - something like 
110 for a floppy disk if I remember correctly.  I had a lot of small 
.txt files at the time, so I took to putting batches of 100 into .lzh 
files and saving them that way....


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