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Re: [tlug] Printer Not Responding

One thing you can do is try turning up debugging in your cupsd.conf.
Look for LogLevel and see the comments.  Then you can check
I changed "info" to "debug" in the cupsd.conf file, as per the instructions in the comments.
Then I went to CUPS web interface and tried to print a test page. It 
showed the job immediately complete without printing anything, as 
described before.
Then went back to the command prompt:$ more /var/log/cups_error.log
/var/log/cups_error.log: No such file or directory$ locate cups_error.log$

I have a page with some common CUPS problems at
I did read through this page, but I have to admit, I couldn't see anything that I was confident enough applied to my situation. I was unsure which distribution you've listed would be most applicable to Ubuntu, and which commands had the most likelihood of testing my printer. Just didn't really know which part to go with, really.
Dave M G

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