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Re: [tlug] Blocking bad sshd bruteforce attempt

2006/7/11, Godwin Stewart <>:
On Tue, 11 Jul 2006 14:47:56 +0900, Al Hoang <> wrote:

> I'm sure the other members of TLUG will offer their own favorite
> tools to use.

I run sshd on a non-standard port. Okay, it's what's called security by
obscurity and as such many here will tell you that it's doomed to
failure. This said, in 3 years or so if running sshd on a non-standard
port, I have yet to see an attempt to brute-force it on any of the 6 or
so machines I admin that way.
I think this is what I need. It will not be call "security by
obscurity" because we don't hide anything. By simply change the port
from 22 to 2000, we will get rid of automated port scanningbut  smart
scanner will uncover it with ease.

Thanks all.]
Best Regards,
Nguyen Hung Vu

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