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Re: [tlug] I'm a glutton for punishment - Palm Pilot and Ubuntu Dapper LTS connectivity


Thank you for responding.
You probably need to look at your udev configuration (if your distro
uses that) for the ttyUSB? issue, and hotplug for the wierdo symlink.

Well, for hotplug, all I have in /lib/hotplug is a directory called "firmware". And in that are a bunch of files that are way cryptic looking.
On the UDEV side, let's see now... in /etc/udev/rules.d, I've got this 
file called 10-custom.rules, and it there's just one line:
BUS="usb", SYSFS{product}="Palm Handheld*", KERNEL="ttyUSB*", 
NAME{ignore_remove}="pilot", MODE="666"
Hmm... oh, and here's another one called 10-udev.rules, and it also 
contains only one line:
BUS=="usb", SYSFS{product}=="Palm Handheld", KERNEL=="ttyUSB*", 
Okay, so, two of these is probably not good. First I tried removing the 
one called "10-udev.rules", but I still kept getting the red "pilot' 
symlink. So then I put that one back and removed the one called 
"10-custom.rules". Then I restarted udev.
Now I get a nice blue symlink file called "pilot", who points to 
ttyUSB1. That looks better.
But, here's where I notice something else. Those files appear as soon as 
I plug the Palm Pilot into the USB port. Not when I press sync, as it 
should be. Hmmm...
So I thought I'd try Scott's command (with some variants):$ pilot-xfer -p /dev/ttyUSB0 --list
  Listening to port: /dev/ttyUSB0
  Please press the HotSync button now... Connected
  Error read system info on /dev/ttyUSB0$ pilot-xfer -p /dev/pilot --list
  Listening to port: /dev/pilot
  Please press the HotSync button now... Connected
  Error read system info on /dev/pilot$ pilot-xfer -p /dev/ttyUSB1 --list
  Listening to port: /dev/ttyUSB1
  Please press the HotSync button now... Connected
  Error read system info on /dev/ttyUSB1

I looked up that error message on the 'net, and was led down the garden path.
So... I guess what I'm wondering now is why would my Palm be connected 
right from plugging in the USB instead of from pressing the hotsync 
button? Would that be a udev issue?

Dave M G

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