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Re: [tlug] FireFox Update (

On 29/07/06, Lyle H Saxon <> wrote:

I wasn't going to go into this, but since you request more details,
here they are.  Being from the PR industry, this warning from CERT
positively reeks of attack PR.  I guess they've been damaged by...
some corrupting force - use your imagination as to what it might be.
Notice how many times they hammer in phrases like:

"Mozilla products fail to....",

"Mozilla products are vulnerable to....",

"Mozilla products contain multiple vulnerabilities...."
CERT advisories always look like this, AFAIK. Remember, CERT was one
of the groups that advised people stop using IE because of its many
security holes.

I doubt there is anything sinister going on here, but it is funny that
someone else (Shannon?) mentioned yesterday at the meeting that the
media have been beating up on Firefox / Mozilla / Thunderbird
recently, and he suspects Microsoft influence.

I responded that I was not that cynical, but allowed that there was a
good chance that he might be right. So might you. I just hope not.


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