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Re: [tlug] Tokyo Missile Command source

On 30 Jul 2006, at 14:51, Niels Kobschaetzki wrote:

On Jul 30, 2006, at 2:12 AM, Josh Glover wrote:

The source code for Tokyo Missile Command, the "game" that Ota and I
presented at yesterday's meeting, is available at:

BSD licence, so go crazy! If anybody hacks the code in a useful way,
I'd like to see what you did.

Jim, if it is OK with you, will you mirror the tarball on the TLUG
server (it is only 12K) and link it from the meeting page?

just wanted to give it a try but couldn't compile it in the first place.
Is it compilable under Mac OS X? If yes what for libraries do I need
for it?

What error(s) did you get?

MacOSX does NOT have SDL. So, I installed SDL via fink:

fink install sdl sdl-gfx13

Then, I modified Makefile in TokyoMissile directory (Fink installs SDL in /sw)
(or just ran as below).

g++ -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -fPIC -I/sw/include/SDL -I/ Users/baba/Desktop/TokyoMissileCommand-0.1.0. -I/sw/share/acloal - Wall -lSDL -L/sw/lib -L/sw/lib -lSDL_gfx -o TokyoMissileCommand

Now, some arguments don't make sense, but it compiled a "Bad Executable" TokyoMissile.

Sorry, I have no time to go further. Hope someone will do the rest.

BABA Yoshihiko

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