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Re: [tlug] [OT] Creating user-friendly URLS with mod_rewrite/Apache

On 20/08/06, Godwin Stewart <> wrote:

On Sun, 20 Aug 2006 02:31:39 +0900, Dave M G <>

> By removing the "AddModule mod_rewrite.c" line, Apache starts, but it
> still says "rewrite_module is already loaded", despite the fact that
> I still don't see it listed when I run "apache2 -l".

In that case you're going to have to find someone who knows more about
Apache v2 than I do. Sorry :(
The guys who wrote the Apache documentation probably count. :)



??? (does not exist in Apache2)

The latter is why Apache is bitching you out when you add the
AddModule directive to your config file. And speaking of which, this
little option to apachectl might save you some trouble:

:; apache2ctl configtest
Syntax OK

If your distro's init script does not map "configtest" through to
apachectl, simply run it manually. This does a syntax check without
requiring a restart of Apache, so your webserver is not down while you
struggle to find and fix your syntax error(s).

And for the future, when you get the mod_rewrite module working:

OK, back to the module problem. A Google search for "apache2
mod_rewrite" yields the following page:

Given that you are using Ubuntu (? am I remembering correctly? Please
make sure to include which distro you use in *every* problem
description), a Debian-based distro, this stuff might work. Scroll
down to the section entitled "Enabling mod_rewrite for Apache2",
remove all of your current attempts from the httpd.conf, then try the
commands listed there.


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