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Re: [TLUG] speakers for next TLUG meeting?

On Wed, 18 Oct 2006 18:22:21 +0900, "romans malinovskis"
<> wrote:

> Topic: Making money with Open Source"..
>   - brief introduction to history of GPL
>   - alternative open-source licenses, how are they different
>   - how to sell GPL-based software and what are the benefits
>   - how people try to exploit GPL license, how to deal with violations
>   - which license to use for your opensource projects and when NOT to
> opensource
>   - how can opensource help your business

Although I'm highly unlikely to be able to attend, what with being on a
slightly different continent and all that, an interesting point I'd
like to see added to this could be about giving back to the open source
community rather than making the benefits one-way. So, a 7th bullet
point could be:

  - how can your business help open source

G. Stewart -

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illiterate's form of documentation. Cavemen drew flowcharts; look how
much good it did them.

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