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Re: [tlug] Fwd: problems when setting up a triple-boot (xp, fc6, kubuntu) system

Hi Birkir,

> Hi,
> Unable to access resume device (LABEL=SWAP-hdc6)
> fsck.ext3 unable to resolve 'LABEL=/boot_ubuntu'
> fsck.ext3 unable to resolve 'LABEL=/ubuntu'
> *** An error ocurred during the file system check
> *** Dropping you to a shell, the system will reboot
> *** when you leave the shell

How about putting in the fedora fstab:

/dev/hdc2     /boot_ubuntu   ext3     defaults         1 2
/dev/hdc7              /ubuntu   ext3     defaults         1 2

Thanks, that made it! Now I have my system (almost) back to normal.

Just in case somebody else experiences the same problem: in emergency
mode you have your root partition mounted read-only and you can't not
modify the files in it. This can be solved using the following
mount / -o remount,rw


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