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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] One more success with xorg-7.1
- Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2006 22:11:31 -0500
- From: Scott Robbins <>
- Subject: [tlug] One more success with xorg-7.1
- User-agent: mutt-ng/devel-r804 (FreeBSD)
As my Arch distribution had a great deal of cruft lying around, (and xorg was an upgrade from 6.x) I decided to do a clean reinstall. Lo and behold, xorg-7.1 works with my G200. (The driver was also updated relatively recently). I haven't retried frugalware or KateOS. Perhaps xorg-7.1's mga drivers are more or less fixed and Edgy simply hasn't caught up with the fixing. -- Scott Robbins PGP keyID EB3467D6 ( 1B48 077D 66F6 9DB0 FDC2 A409 FA54 EB34 67D6 ) gpg --keyserver --recv-keys EB3467D6 Xander: Dinner is served. And my very own recipe. Willow: Ooh, you pushed the button on the microwave that says 'popcorn'? Xander: Actually, I pushed 'defrost', but Joyce was there in the clinch.
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