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Re: [tlug] Re: CJK Printing from Web Browsers in Debian 3.3.2

Josh Glover wrote:
On 13/11/06, Jim Breen <> wrote:

On inspecting the Postscript, it appears that Firefox has done all
 the text in Unicode, with no embebbed fonts, e.g.:

840 13697 moveto (\123\060\214\060\157\060\306\060\271\060\310\060\140\060\121\060\002\060)

My guess is this is the main difference between Mozilla Suite and Firefox, and the reason Bart can't print from Firefox is that his printer setup can't grok native Unicode in Postscript.

You da man, Jim.

I agree, Jim.

With this hint, I think I know how to fix Bart's config files.

Bart, you can do one of two things:

1. Wait for me to find time to help you. 2. Google for: firefox print

You basically need to find the about:config setting that will render to Postscript (level 2 is best, I think) before sending the job to the printer. That should fix your font problem, I think.

Now that you point it out, that "Google for: firefox print postscript" is soooo obvious!

Certainly others have had similar problems.  The first idea I got for
messing with about:config neither fixed the problem nor ruined Firefox,
which is OK.

I think that I will find this bit from one of documents that came up
useful, once I figure out exactly what it all means:


export GS_LIB=/u/bh/fonts/truetype/;

to your .profile. In your Mozilla profile directory, create user.js if
it's not there (don't edit prefs.js directly) and put

pref("print.postscript.nativefont.zh-CN", "Song-Medium-GBK2K-H");

in it. You still can't print directly from Mozilla though, because the
Chinese fonts are not embedded in the PS file generated by Mozilla. You
need to use ps2ps to transform the PS file and send the transformed one
to the printer. If you print Chinese a lot, which I doubt, you might
want to write a script as your printing command for the browser.

One puzzle is that this is from June 2004.  I think I was already able
to just go ahead and print Japanese and Chinese from Mozilla then;
why these guys have trouble?

I have looked at the ps2ps manual--that's the main thing I didn't
understand in the above quote--but it doesn't look likely to help.  I'll
get back to it tomorrow or Thursday.

And if that doesn't work, I'll come crying back to you on Friday.


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