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Re: [tlug] Irfanview Via Wine

On 02/07/07, Lyle H Saxon <> wrote:

On 7/1/07, Godwin Stewart <> wrote:

> The name of the software you mentioned inferred that it was a photo
> *VIEWER*, not editor. They're completely different things.

With ACDSee, it is both, and version 4.0 is a good combination of
speedy photo viewer, batch processor (rotation, resize, conversion)
and editor that is 2000 times speedier to use than PhotoShop or GIMP.

You know what? I don't see any good reason to not hack ImageMagick support right into gqview to handle the basic batch processing stuff you want to do.

If you send me a detailed requirements list of how you use ACDSee to
do batch editing, I'll see if I can't put something together. It
*shouldn't* be hard to do, but I have not seen gqview's codebase yet,
so who knows.

Still, it sounds like a cool feature; hell, I'd use it!


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