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RE: [tlug] Re: Post my article on

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [ On 
> Behalf Of Dave M G
> Sent: Friday, July 27, 2007 11:03 PM
> To: Tokyo Linux Users Group
> Subject: Re: [tlug] Re: Post my article on
> I just want to be absolutely clear about this. No one is objecting to 
> the article out of principles that object to the content. I 
> was entirely prepared to withdraw my article if someone made an objection 
> on matters of principle. Something like "We want the TLUG web site to be purely 
> technical, and not present any ideologies". I was very clear 
> about this 
> from the start that I would acquiesce to that. But it has not been 
> presented at all.
> The claim by the would-be editors on this list that somehow 
> know better 
> about how to give the article "a better chance of being read" has 
> absolutely no evidence to support it that I can see.

My suggestion, perhaps to everyone, is to step back from it for a
week or two, or at least for a few days, then look at it.  :-)

Read it with a crytical eye, watching for grammar and spelling issues.

Read it for content to make sure it says what you wanted to say.

Then after that, look at the flow.  ^_^ Does it flow the way
you want it too.

Everyone seems to agree that the content is ok.  Some people
agree with the content, and some do not, but it is not an
issue of agreement or disagreement. ^_^

I personally like to look over my own text quite a few times
before putting it before the public.  I also like to get a
few people to look it over for me and give their input.  ^_^

I've not done any technical writing though, just poetry and
prose.  I may give it a try some time myself. ^_^


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