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RE: [tlug] Re: Post my article on

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [ On 
> Behalf Of Lyle H Saxon
> Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2007 3:59 PM
> To: Tokyo Linux Users Group
> Subject: Re: [tlug] Re: Post my article on
> I have now gone through the whole article.  I still stand by 
> my assertions that the cost of bundled Windows in a new 
> computer is not free, but I also see why comments were made 
> about the cost issue.  The figure $200 comes up a bit often!  
> That said, if you are a used computer buyer like myself, that 
> figure is accurate enough!
200$ is about right.  That is how much a copy of Windows Vista
Basic costs.  An OEM copy of Premium is arround 100$ depending on
where you look.  Of course the average user isn't going to know
what OEM means.  From what I know of MS customer support though,
I don't see much reason for anyone to pay full price if they can
get the OEM.  :P  The only thing the OEM version doesn't include
is the pretty pakage, and the tech support. ^^;;

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