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Re: Pair programming [ was: Re: [tlug] [OT] Good IT Resume

Josh Glover writes:

 > Code reviews at Amazon mean sending a request with our automated
 > review tool,

That's not a "code review" as understood in the software engineering/
consulting literature (eg, the SEI stuff, Watts Humphrey, you know).
As used in that literature, a code review most definitely implies a
meeting, with an assigned chair and a specific agenda.

I don't care if you wish to use a different definition of the term
(since you gave it explicitly), but be aware that your response to
Curt has the semantics of "at Amazon we dispense with code reviews,
too" rather than "at Amazon we do code reviews right".

If you would accept a suggestion, I would call the process you
describe a version of "peer review".

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