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Josh Glover wrote:
And to quote Mark Shuttleworth (thanks, Lyle!),

"There is a danger in the fact that many of the people who are
passionate about Linux, are really passionate about their opposition
to the status quo... because the question arises - when the status quo
changes, what will bind us together. And, ah...  So I think my focus
is very much on promotion of what is good about this software."

To be honest, I think it will probably be a non-issue. While some of the people actually doing stuff are passionate about crushing MS, I don't think that is predominantly what drives the majority. From what I have seen following LKML and various other mailing list, and talking to people, it is mostly about doing things [1]better.


1. What people consider as better varies a lot, ie. some take licensing terms to be very important.

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