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RE: Gotta Learn Vi . . . . . . (was Re: [tlug] [Newbie] Becoming'root'in Kubuntu: Use sudo)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joe Larabell
> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 4:26 PM

> Heck... I remember punching onto cards various edit commands 
> for the edlin-like line editor on the mainframe at college 
> and submitting "decks" of cards consisting of 2-3 cards plus 
> a couple more to run the job. The guys behind the submission 
> desk thought I was nuts but the jobs always produced output ;-)...
> After using a line editor in batch mode, *nothing* scares you !!

*bows low*
Never had to do that myself, but I actually know what
you just said.  That is kind of impressive.


I have heard horor stories.

Those were the days when you learned to debug on
paper, and psuedo code was not just a suggestion. :P



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