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Re: [tlug] Mencoder conversion of files

On Dec 5, 2007 7:26 AM, Curt Sampson <> wrote:
> > "Looking around"?!  Hee-hee!  Specifics man!  Where were you looking,
> > what did you see, and let's hear prices for professional level optics
> > for professional level video cameras.

> Prime (non-zoom) lenses have not changed much; my 25-year old Zuiko
> kit hasn't been improved upon in either price or performance. However,
> zoom lenses have improved remarkably in the high-end, and the cheap
> "consumer" ones are now as good as the pro lenses from a quarter-decade
> ago.

Yes, technology is definitely getting better and cheaper.  I agree
with all that.  Actually, what I meant with my original comment "video
is a money burner" was just that video is more expensive and more
troublesome than still photography - assuming quality is part of the
picture (pun unintended).  My mistake was in reading troll mail and
then responded to something I should have just tossed in the garbage.
That said, thank you for your comments - I'm always interested in
hearing actual details about equipment (in stark contrast to troll
generalities with no purpose or meaning).

Regarding SLR cameras - I definitely prefer them for taking photos,
but I've also found that they've become harder to use for street
photography as people are less open-minded about other people taking
pictures.  For a compact digital camera with a good lens that is
unobtrusive, I've found the Ricoh GR (newest version the "GR-II") to
be a great camera.


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