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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Review meeting for a translation of "Practical Common Lisp"
- Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2007 18:59:38 +0900 (JST)
- From:
- Subject: [tlug] Review meeting for a translation of "Practical Common Lisp"
Hi TLUGer. I'm Kimura,Osamu We are supposed to have a meeting to review our translation of "Practical Comm on Lisp" on December 15. We have translated the book into Japanese. The meeting is held by Ruby Hacking Guide (or RHG) group. At the next meeting, we'll start from Chapter 5. Please come join us. I believe there are lots of intriguing guys there. My telephone number is "090-7544-5663." Mail address is "oskimura at" --------------------------------------------- Date: Dec 15th Time: 13:00-17:00? Place: Time Intermedia Corporation. 株式会社 タイムインターメディア 東京都新宿区坂町26-27 IPB ビル TEL 03 - 5362 - 9009 RHG's URL;name=RHG%C6%C9%BD%F1%B2% F1%3A%3A%C5%EC%B5%FE+Practical+Common+Lisp "Practical Common Lisp" URL -- Kimura,Osamu
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