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Re: [tlug] The Mother of All (bash) Commands

On 2008-03-18 01:51 +0900 (Tue), Greg Thomson  wrote:

> laptop# ( cd / ; tar -zcvf - /home ) | ssh 'cat > 
> laptop_backup_`date -I`.tar.gz'

I've been using a similar technique for ages to do my unattended nightly
backups for a dozen or more hosts. My variations:

1. Use dump, so that you can do incremental backups.

2. Run it through gpg to compress and encrypt the backups before they
leave the machine.

3. Do a special login shell on the remote machine that can only receive
a file, and will not overwrite existing files.

Curt Sampson       <>        +81 90 7737 2974   
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