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Re: [tlug] xemacs and japanese

Niels Kobschaetzki writes:

 > When xemacs runs the SCIM-window is there but when I change the
 > input-method it does not actually switch (it's not shown as well). 

If the SCIM window appears, then the kanji shift is probably Shift-SPC.

 > When I choose the input-method japanese-canna (cannaserver is
 > running) in xemacs I get only the message: No Canna API support!? 
 > See M-x describe-installation & C-h v module-load path

Run M-x report-xemacs-bug and send it (with a description of the
problem).  If you can't send mail from XEmacs, copy and paste it into
a mail to

 > I tried Steve's configuration for init.el as well and changed it according to my installation because the paths didn't fit at all (and I am wondering about the emacs in one of the paths but I had nothing for ..../xemacs/site-lisp) but I am not sure if I did it correct (at least there is no error):
 > (setq anthy-lisp-dir "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/anthy"

This is risky because compiled Emacs Lisp and compiled XEmacs Lisp are
not 100% compatible.  The glue code in anthy.el doesn't need to be
efficient, so the smartest thing to do probably is to remove anthy.elc
if it exists.  Otherwise this setup should work.

 >       anthy-exec-dir "/usr/local/bin/")
 > (push anthy-lisp-dir load-path)
 > (push anthy-exec-dir exec-path)
 > (let ((load-path (list anthy-lisp-dir)))
 >   (load-library "leim-list"))
 > (load-library "anthy")

At this point C-u C-\ japanese-anthy RET should get Anthy to work.

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