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Re: [tlug] Linux user "new" in Tokyo

2008/4/6, Josh Glover <>:
> On 05/04/2008, Ian Barwick <> wrote:
>  >  Hope to meet some of you in a beer and/or technical meeting-related
>  >  context at some point soon.
> There is a nomikai coming up this Friday:
>  And we'll likely do a Pint of the Day (PotD) and/or Businessman's
>  Lunch (BML) this week in honour of one of our German members being in
>  town.
>  So come out to one or more of these get-togethers.

I will definitely do so, alas I'm out of town from the middle of next
week for a few days so won't make any of the above.

>  >  PS will you promise not to lynch me too much if I admit to using Mr.
>  >  Jobs' products for my primary workstation needs? ;)
> Yeah, I promise not to lynch you *too* much. ;)
>  Seriously, MacOS X is UNIX, and this group is not necessarily
>  Linux-centric

Indeed, my wife accused me at one point of having installed "Linux" on
her Mac Mini, when all I was doing was playing around with Fink. I
also maintain a FreeBSD box, come to think of it.

> All the fruits of Bell Labs tree are welcome, even
>  weirdo operating systems from outer space.[1]

I recall signing up for a test account on a Plan 9 system, but never
got round to really trying it out...

Ian Barwick

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