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Re: [tlug] Virtual Windows

On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 8:25 PM, jep200404 <> wrote:
> "SL Baur" wrote:
>  > 3. Sadly, I will require some Microsoft Windows compatibility.


>  Get a CPU with hardware support for virtualization of unmodified OSs,
>  then run virtualization software such as Xen, to run Microsoft
>  Windows within Linux.

It may have changed since I last tried. But getting decent performance
out of your graphics card whilst running Xen is pretty difficult.
Since one of the requirements was to run a Windows based game I'm
guessing running Windows as a Xen instance may not be the way to go.
If hrdware acceleration is not an issue then I agree virtualization
may be the "easiest" way to get Windows compatibility...

Regards, Keith

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