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Re: [tlug] subversion: project names?

On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 3:39 PM, Edward Middleton <> wrote:
> Gernot Hassenpflug wrote:
> > I have another silly question about subversion: how do I find the
> > project names of the stuff stored in a repository? /../

>  svn ls file:///path/to/repository

Dang! who woulda thunk! First time to see the 'ls' command for svn.
Great, saves my day :-)

>  Subversion has no concept of a project so you will have to make your own
> convention for identifying them.  If you are using one project per
> repository call the repository the project name.  If you are using one
> project for multiple projects have a common root directory for all projects.

Got it!

Muchos thankyous,

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