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[tlug] GOS, Everex, and Japanese

My wife might be going to visit.  She was talking about getting an
iTouch iPod, which can do email. I have no idea about Japanese input,

I was thinking she might be happier with one of these small laptops.  I
was thinking of the Everex Cloud--she wouldn't need anything good here.

I know it runs GOS which is a derivative of Ubuntu.  Has anyone tried
this, and is it more or less as easy to give her Japanese support as it
would be with Ubuntu?

I can't see her becoming a Linux user--I know I don't have the patience
to support it, but something more or less preconfigured might work. 

Thanks for any input.  (heh, get it? Input)  (Covers ears to avoid
hearing the various plonks.)

Scott Robbins
PGP keyID EB3467D6
( 1B48 077D 66F6 9DB0 FDC2 A409 FA54 EB34 67D6 )
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys EB3467D6

Angel: This isn't some fairy tale. When I kiss you... you don't 
wake up from a deep sleep and live happily ever after. 
Buffy: No... when you kiss me, I wanna die. 

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