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Re: [tlug] [Was: iptables] Forward multicats

On 2008-06-15 06:45 +0900 (Sun), Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

> Curt Sampson writes:
>  > However, the above addresses are multicast addresses, and thus all
>  > computers see them (assuming that they're running software that's
>  > listening).
> I don't much like that way of expressing it.  I would say on an
> Ethernet all computers see all messages (that's why it's called an
> "ether").

I'll get into the rest of the thread later, but this is important.

That every computer will see every packet is a very, very poor
assumption to make. Most every "Ethernet concentrator" (to use the old
term) is a switch these days, and your computer won't see anything that
the switch doesn't know it should forward to you. Even before this,
there was always the possibility of bridging.

Curt Sampson       <>        +81 90 7737 2974   
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