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Re: [tlug] Skype on a ThinkPad R61 laptop

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 12:13:09PM +0900, Masanori ITOH wrote:
> Ubuntu is based on Debian, and Debian stable does not support bi-architecture
> yet. Here I mean, it's difficult to run both 32bit (i386) and 64bit (x86_64)
> applications can run on top of one installation at the same time.
> Technically, it's possible if you use tricky clues such as linking 32bit
> libraries statically to the Skype binary for Ubuntu. But I do not 
> recommend that you would do that.

Needing i.e. the sun java jre running in the browser on my 64bit-debian
i use a partition with a 32bit-debian and chroot into this to run pure
32bit applications.
The easiest way to setup the 32bit-debian is using debootstrap, chances
are good debootstrap also available on ubuntu (and bootstrapping ubuntu

You could however hit problems accessing the soundcard from the chroot,
havent played with that.
Emulation/virtualization of a 32bit-linux using xen/vmware/virtualbox are
other options, besides resinstallation of a pure 32bit-linux.


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