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Re: [tlug] VirtualBox Abuse?

On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 12:27:01AM +0200, Francois Cartegnie wrote:
> I know it is possible with vmware server (just point the physical partition 
> instead of creating a virtual one). I would be surprised if virtualbox 
> doesn't allow the same.

Also had this mixed operation of winxp running with the installation 
running on bare metal vs. virtualized as a domU.

> But anyway, with such target os, you'll need to update all your 
> configuration/drivers.

Thats the problem, creating a new hardware-profile in windows before
booting it virtualized could help, also using some ms-software called
sysprep that makes an installation ready for a hardware-movement.

You should test all of this using a file containing a copy of the


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