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Re: [tlug] Free Codeweavers products for 24 hours.

Scott Robbins wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 12:33:14PM +0900, Edward Middleton wrote:
>> 1.
> Lastly, with KVM, at least with what was available with CentOS, there
> was still a minor issue with MS systems and mice, making it seem a bit
> slower to me than Vbox.

I was originally planning on using Xen on CentOS 5 (using the hardware
accelerated version to support windows).  Unfortunately the version of
Xen supported by CentOS 5, don't support Vista, and HP won't supply an
install key for the OEM version of XP they supplied with the machine. 
My solution was to ditch CentOS and install Gentoo, which happly runs
Vista and OpenSolaris under kvm.  At the time I couldn't find anything
indicating VirtualBox would run 64 bit kernels.


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