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Re: [tlug] JFS file system license

On 2008-10-30 12:09 +0900 (Thu), Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

> I don't think it will ever be solved.  The FSF's interpretation will
> rule, because they are willing to go to court and nobody else is.
> It's just too easy to code around the problem; why make some lawyers
> rich?

On any individual basis, yes. The BSDs spend a few tens of thousands
of dollars worth of programmer time to write editline; I contemplate
spending a few hundreds (or perhaps a couple of thousand) dollars
rewriting a Ruby library to read tar files because the current one is
GPL'd, and on and on. 

(Well, in my case it's quite likely I'll just drop some other features
on the wishlist of my MIT-licenced open source project in order to
duplicate GPL'd code.)

But by the time it all adds up, we collectively could easily have come
up with a million or two to put an end to this drag on the growth of the

In fact, if anybody wants to, I'll pledge a thousand bucks.

Curt Sampson       <>        +81 90 7737 2974   
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