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Re: [tlug] JFS file system license

On Thu, 30 Oct 2008, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

It is known (tested in court, I believe) that both forms of linking
result in a derived work in memory, and that static linking results in
a derived work in a file...

But (and I may have missed this particular tree in the otherwise rich forest of that last post), the derived work in memory only exists on the user's machine. Since the restrictions of the GPL apply to distribution and not to mere use, the actual linking by the end-user would not be subject to the GPL requirements unless that user somehow managed to distribute a copy of his in-memory linked image. And, even then, it would be the end user in violation and not the author of the application.

So... if you're right about use of the API being a red-herring (and I happen to believe it is, for all the reasons you already gave), then there should be no fear when dynamic-linking to a GPL library from a non-GPL application. Is that pretty much what you're saying?

Joseph L (Joe) Larabell            Never fight with a dragon                    for thou art crunchy        and goest well with cheese.

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