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Re: [tlug] OT: A Conference for *BSD, Linux, and OpenSolaris

Edward Middleton wrote:
Gen Kanai wrote:
Jim Grisanzio wrote:
I've been kicking around the idea of doing a little conference in Tokyo for *BSD, Linux, and OpenSolaris and I'm getting some good responses on Twitter and Facebook. So, I thought I'd see if you guys would be
interested from a Linux perspective.
Just for clarification, would this be more for OS-level stuff than application level? What would you consider topics of discussion to be?
Thats a good question.  When Jim first mentioned this I thought he was
talking mostly kernel/OS stuff but there is probably more common ground
at the application level.
hey ...

I'd like it to be as comprehensive as possible -- at least at this idea stage. I can see tools talks, kernel talks, application talks, community building talks, etc. Now, as we develop the idea further, obvious trends may emerge and we can narrow the scope then if needed. For now, though, it's wide open ...

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