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Re: [tlug] Replacing text in multiple files - under Windows :(

2009/7/29 Martin Killmann <>:
> On Wed, 29 Jul 2009 19:06:27 +0900
> Maybe I should reserve some time next week, split the harddrive and get
> a real OS on the damn thing... See you next week in a thread called "how
> to get a Linux install below the radar of company IT"...

How about installing VirtualBox or VMWare and running a real OS in that?
Should provide perfectly adequate performance for normal usage and
will prevent any heart-stopping "whoops, I trashed the bootloader" or
"why is there a swap partition where Windows XP used to be?"

BTW it wasn't terribly clear from your first post that you were looking
for a GUI-type tool, hence the flood of suggestions for equivalents to
Linux board tools.

Ian Barwick

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