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Re: [tlug] Zurus distributions experience

This topic seems to be too argumantative to talk about here.

| Not all distributions support ARM but most of the important ones do.

Yes, I am scared about this point.

For me,
the situation which not all importamt distributions are supporting ARM seems to infringe "The right to write software unimpeded by private monopolies" in GNL.
Without considering hardware architecture neutrality in writing the 
program under GNL,
it seems to me that we need to stop using Linux on that hardware. :-(


Edward Middleton wrote:
Sotaro Kobayashi wrote:
not all distribution are supporting ARM architecture and it's not open.
Not all distributions support ARM but most of the important ones do.

In what sense do you mean ARM isn't open?  If you are talking about the
intellectual property held by ARM Limited you could equally argue that
most/all hardware isn't open.

I can not find SuSE or Mandriva etc.
I don't know,  I don't find either of those distributions particularly
important ;) Is their anything either of them offers that is not
available in alternatives that do run on arm?


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