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Re: [tlug] Unix's 40th Birthday

On 2009-08-21 10:59 +0900 (Fri), Edward Middleton wrote:

> Well that is the conventional wisdome.  The Arista[1] switches don't
> seem to take this approach, and they even run Linux ;)

Can you provide some evidence for this? I see nothing on their web site
that indicates they don't take a conventional approach, and considerable
evidence that they do. For example, they claim "Hardware based layer
2/3/4 switching up to 960 Gbps and 720 Mpps," which doesn't sound to me
as if those packets are giong anywhere near a Linux kernel.

Their EOS may be based on Linux, but it sounds as if it's a mere control
system for the hardware and software that does the real work.

Curt Sampson       <>        +81 90 7737 2974
           Functional programming in all senses of the word:

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