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Re: [tlug] How many widely can we do that?

On Mon, 26 Oct 2009 01:12:09 +0900
Curt Sampson <> wrote:

> On 2009-10-25 16:03 +0100 (Sun), Attila Kinali wrote:
> > Oh my... I completely forgot about 4DOS....
> > Damn, that thing is old ^^'
> Yes, but still good, in a sort of nostalgic kinda way.
> And don't forget QEMM!

That i remember! And i'm glad we dont have to use it anymore ^^'
> > Be careful, you're stepping into the "it's differnt, thus it sucks"
> > trap. Windows has a different usage philosophy...
> Hey, I know (just a little bit) about VMS, and Dave Cutler tried his
> best, but...

Windows might share some VMS traits, but it's not VMS.

> There are system calls in Windows that I'm jealous of. And I understand
> the background and where a lot of things were coming from. (Writing a
> Windows DDE server last year was for me quite a 'natsukashi' experience.
> Ah, the days of co-operative multitasking.) I didn't grow up on Unix; I
> grew up on MTS as a kid, and Apple DOS as an early teenager; my first
> Unix was 4.2BSD.

I mostly grew up on Linux (i proposefully do not say unix, as my first
contact with a real unix decendant was much later), after i took DOS apart
with debug.exe... And being able to read the kernel source gave me
a huge advantage in figuring out how a computer works and shaped the
way how i work with computers. I even started to beat any windows system
i have to work on to behave somewhat unixish in places i _really_ need
(like my 10 virtual desktops etc)

Yet, i know that windows is different and that i have to adapt my
way of working to the way windows behaves, although i really hate
taht (a computer should do what i tell it to do, not the other way round)

> > The true CS students do not need to know how to program.
> > They learn how to abstract the process of programming to
> > the point of making programmers obsolete.
> > 		-- Jabber in #holo
> Right. I was looking for a good quote from #haskell to reply to this,
> but the first thing I came across was (unfortunately?) on-topic for this
> list:
>     Ubuntu, an ancient African word meaning "I can't configure Debian".
> 	    --ricky_clarkson in #haskell

Not half bad. But you can try again anyways :-)

			Attila Kinali

The true CS students do not need to know how to program.
They learn how to abstract the process of programming to
the point of making programmers obsolete.
		-- Jabber in #holo

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