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Re: [tlug] recomendations for a functional language

On Monday 02 November 2009 05:07:07 Attila Kinali wrote:
> On Sun, 1 Nov 2009 22:48:16 +0900 Travis <> wrote:
> > I will be giving a presentation about Haskell at the next technical
> > meeting, on the 14th of this month.
> Well, it's not something i need to scratch immediately, as i'm currently
> reading half a dozen books in parallel (damn you, interdiscplinary
> problem!), but i wont be able to attend the next technical meeting as
> driving 10'000km is a bit much to just attend one talk, even if it's very
> interesting ;-)

At this point, I just have a few pages of notes in my memo.  By the 14th, 
however, I will develop these notes into a presentation as well as a blog 
post.  The blog post should be convincing on its own, and a video of the 
presentation will likely go online at some point.  Further discussion is 
welcome in private or on this list.

While I am happy to give advice at any time, my case will be more organized in 
a few weeks. :)


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