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Re: [tlug] Linux 7 year ago? [was Re: [OT] job posting]

On Wed, 16 Dec 2009 23:51:43 +0900
Ian Barwick <> wrote:

> FWIW Distrowatch claims Mandrake was released in 1998 [1]. My first
> Linux installation was SuSE 6.1, from a shrink-wrapped package bought
> with actual money sometime in early summer 1999 (bloody hell, that's
> more than 10 years ago!), which had a 2.2 kernel.

Guys, stop, I'm starting to feel old.

(I started with a SuSE 4.3. I think my dad read about it in c't and
bought it for some reason. Only recently I realized it's the second SuSE
box ever. For a complete newbie like me, it took about a month to get a
working X server, and then you stared at the beauty of fvwm, and watched
in amazement how the xeyes followed the mouse cursor...)


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