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[tlug] Making a windows share with write permissions from Ubuntu


I've recently got a Windows 7 machine for some specialized needs. I need
make at least one directory on the Windows 7 machine readable and
writable from my Ubuntu computers.

If I go to "Places->Connect to Server..." from the Gnome panel, and
select Windows Share from the drop down box, I can enter in the static
IP of the Windows computer and it's all good. I can read and write
without any trouble.

However, I want the directory to automatically be available when I boot
up Ubuntu.

So, following instructions on the web, I added this to my /etc/fstab:

// /home/dave/Windows_Share smbfs
credentials=/home/dave/.smbpasswd,gid=dave 0 0

With this entry, the Windows Share directory is automatically loaded on
boot up, as desired.

But, files are only readable, not writable.

Since I can read and write when accessing through the "Connect to
Server..." interface, I'm confident I have the share set up with full
access on the Windows side, and the trouble is in the syntax of the
/etc/fstab file.

Can anyone see where I've messed it up?

Thanks for any advice.

Dave M G

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