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Re: [tlug] how to tune reiser4 for millions of files?

On 2010-01-28 08:38 +0100 (Thu), Michal Hajek wrote:

> producing 7032034 small text files into one directory. 
> ...
> Still `ls -l` takes more than 6 hours - more accurately, after 6 hours
> I lost my patience and killed it.

Um, "dont' do that"? "ls -l" is going to read every inode, so of course
it's going to take quite some time. You can expect your analysis program
to take quite some time to run, too, regardless of whether you have all
the files in one directory or split them amongst many directories.

> Now we need to analyze that data "en block", that is, we
> cannot split it into many dirs.

You probably just want to tweak your analysis program to do a readdir()
and then just trawl through the files in whatever order you get them.

I can provide more ideas if you tell us more about what sort of analysis
you're trying to do.

Curt Sampson         <>         +81 90 7737 2974
The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism
by those who have not got it.    --George Bernard Shaw

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