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Re: [tlug] troll trough a hoard of small, files Re: vfat or ext2 for a shared (linux, vista) partition

On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 13:00, Nguyen Vu Hung <> wrote:
>  (2010/06/08 8:29), Kalin KOZHUHAROV wrote:
>> If you are trying it with very old machines (80GB ATA drives, AthlonXP
>> CPU...), it will be quite slower than vfat. In most cases you'll
>> notice speed differences only if you troll trough a hoard of small
>> files (e.g. replacing EXIF  timestamps in millions of JPEGs). For
>> day-to-day use, there should be no differences.
> I don't think 6MB JPEG files are small but exiftools takes an hour,
> if not hours, to change 200-400+ EXIF files.
> This is still mystery for me and I don't know why it takes so long..
> Do you care to explain?

Well... Isn't it better to keep it as a mystery :-)

To be honest, I don't know what exactly is the problem, I can only
imagine lots of calls updating (lots of) metadata...


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