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Re: [tlug] My first JSON object

>> what is it that JQuery and Godwin's code does that a naked
>> XMLHttpRequest() doesn't do?

The biggest advantage (of, say, JQuery) especially for a web developer
who develops on linux/firefox (ooh, did you see how I brought it back
on-topic there ;-) is that they've hidden all the cross-browser
differences. So you develop your whole site, then just before delivery
you boot up windows and test in IE6/7/8 and safari and discover that
everything works!

Okay, if you're using any CSS on your site that is too idealistic,
because IE6/7 in particular interpret CSS quite differently; but all
your javascript/ajax functionality will work the same.

> The advantage of my code is that you don't need to pull in 150KB of
> javascript to get it to work.

The latest JQuery is 24KB. As a bonus, if you get it from the google URL
then many users will already have it in their cache so get it for free.

If you go back to say 1.2.x, which IIRC still has excellent ajax
support,then it is 14-16KB.


Darren Cook, Software Researcher/Developer  (Shodan Go Bet - who will win?) (About me and my work) (My blogs and articles)

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