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[tlug] Die, "Adobe Bridge Workspace File"! Die!


This is a very small annoyance, but it is... well... annoying.

In Ubuntu, all my plain text files show up in my Nautilus browser windows as being "Adobe Bridge Workspace File" under the "File Type" column.

They work fine, and open with my text editor and all that, so it's not causing any functionality problem.

It just bugs me. Not merely because I don't like the mislabelling, but because I have a thing against Adobe. It was because I got so fed up with Adobe that I turned to open source software in the first place.

Of course, I looked up on the web how to alter this. But the leads I found never really provided solutions. The most I found out was that it's a result of having installed Wine, and then an Adobe product (in my case, Photoshop CS 2).

Solutions basically amounted to uninstalling/purging and reinstalling Wine to see if that helped, but it didn't. I tried some other things like Ubuntu Tweak and one other similar software with a file type manager (the name escapes me at the moment), but despite their file handling features, they didn't do it.

I'm coming here because I'm wondering if there's a more aggressive way to get under the hood and manually edit whatever file it is that might be responsible for this file type classification. I simply want to change "Adobe Bridge Workspace File" to "Plain Text File".

Any ideas how that can be done?

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Dave M G

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